
Other countries - other languages! With ac.Translate the import and export of foreign-language product data succeeds

Also internationally present through ac.Translate

Product informations must be sent to your service providers in a structured way for translation and must be returned to your database in the correct place in the translated language.

ac.Translate is the module for the export and import of translation data from the ac.PIM DB based on CSV, XML or SGML files.

For the management of the translation processes we cooperate with our partner ONTRAM

ONTRAM is a completely web-based Translation Management System (TMS) that competently supports you in the production of your corporate translations.

Your presence in international markets is the key to sustainable business success. Take advantage of the opportunities offered by the data translation of ac.Translate.

Your product advantages with ac.Translate

  • User-friendly creation of translation files in CSV, XML and SGML formats
  • All language-dependent data on your products can be exported
  • Control function during the import of the translated data
  • Creation of profile data types for simplified output for further translations

Optionally, translations can also be made in ac.PIM.

ac.Translate - Selection of data types

ac.Translate - Start a data export